Thursday, September 24, 2009

Introducing the Steering Committee

The Steering Committe for the new Chilliwack Secondary School met for the first time on Thursday, September 24th. The committe was divided into six groups, each group responsible for a different task.

*Indicates group leader

Group 1 - *Robert Lindsay - Teacher CSS

Gord Pederson - Director of Parks and Recreation, City of Chilliwack

Dale Cuthbertson - Executive Director, Chilliwack Community Services

Martha Wiens - School Trustee

Group 1 will be focusing on the Community School Component.

Group 2 - *Curtis Tieu - Teacher CSS

Chris Reilly - Teacher CSS

Lynda-Lee Saunier - Business Manager CSS

Melissa Keenan - Student Representative

Dale Churchill - Director of Operations for Maintenance, School District #33

Group 2 will be focusing on Technology Considerations and Environmental Sustainability

Group 3 - *Brent Moore - Teacher CSS

Silvia Dyck - School Trustee

Christine Cutajar - Parent Representative

Pam Jones - UFV Student Transition Coordinator

Patrick May - Atelier Pacific Architect

Group 3 will be focusing on Adult Learning and Structures for Learning

Group 4 - *Steve Anderson - Teacher CSS

Deryn Barnes - Parent Representative

Chris Reitsma - School District #33 Work Experience Coordinator

Rick Jones - Principal CSS

Group 4 will be focusing on Curriculum considerations and program offerings

Group 5 - *Ron Meadwell - Librarian CSS

Bob Patterson - School District #33 Assistant Superintendent

Jeff Beer - Custodian CSS

Matthew Hubner - Student Representative

Group 5 will be focusing on Instructional Practices and Impact on School Design

Notes from this meeting are in the next entry.

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