At this point, the committee had an initial brainstorming session to get the ideas flowing. What are they looking for in a new school. A list of these ideas is given below:
Open areas
Natural light **
Security sensitivity – sight lines / access
Multi Purpose space –
Located near storage?
Environment a priority – carbon footprint
Visual impact is essential
Core programs need to be pronounced – Foods / Arts / Science
Flexibility for Classrooms and Technology*
Looks like a school
Feels like home – this is a safe place***
Cost efficient
Several gym spaces
Synthetic Turf with blue rubber track
Select Community involvement
Who is our clientele
Flexibility in future offerings
Offer partnering
Trades / Vocations ****
Employable skills
Social spaces
Display history – past and present
What partnerships work / don’t work
Partnership with UFV and other organizations
Applied Sciences / more relevance
Arts / History – focus
Healthy lifestyle – need to promote
Potential 15% NOL – Large banquet space with stage … Outside stage. Work with city / BIA
Studio for rendering for music. Available to community
Location of the school – prefer no blind corridors
Campus idea is fascinating – need to avoid segregation
University layout
Agriculture – links to past farming, logging
Agriculture – We used to be strong in this area. This would be a great focus for our school
Exposed windows that are high and out of reach
Courtyards with big windows
Natural design (use of wood)
Site based commercial shops tailored towards students’ needs (book store / coffee shop, etc)
Keyless entry
A place to learn
A place you want to be in
Storage is critical
Recycling system
Neighbourhood of Learning (NOL)
Mall : Tim Hortons / Subway included
Canopies – Covered area for sun / rain
Reduce leaving campus
Tennis Courts
Gym – DPA (2 Gyms)
With solid dividers
Community : Demographics : Seniors
Art Gallery
Parking: underground or roof
Green Roof with Goats
Water Feature
The discussion then turned to Additional Communication Ideas to Consider, in other words, how do we get the message out about the new school and get feedback.
Local media / radio shows / local tv
Mall display
Engaged possible partners / groups – agriculture / arts
Rotary clubs
Write in the newspaper – an weekly feature/update
If you have any comments on the ideas of the committe, or would like to submit some of your own, post a reply.